X-Light V2
Spinning Disk Confocal System
CrestOptics S.p.A.
The X-Light V2 spinning disk system from CrestOptics offers camera-based imaging with low phototoxicity for your daily research, where fast confocal imaging is required. The motorized movement of the single pinhole pattern in and out of the beampath allows a fast switch between confocal and widefield imaging. A special customized internal relay lens setup gives the possibility to image close to the diffraction limit across the whole field of view. A high confocal resolution, an improved out of focus rejection, and a higher signal-to-noise ratio is ensured by the CrestOptics proprietary disk pattern design enabling high quality fluorescence imaging.
The X-Light V2 is compatible with all laser and high power LED light sources and can easily upgrade all inverted and upright research microscopes of the major brands. Furthermore, this confocal system matches with external automated filter wheels and optical splitters such as the multi-camera adapters and the image splitters from Cairn Research Ltd..
The pinhole disk itself is mounted in a box allowing an easy startup and exchange in a few seconds by plug-and-play. No alignment is required and the system can be used directly after the exchange. In addition, CrestOptics can design your specific custom spiral pinhole pattern on request. For further information, please get in contact with us.
In case a high power multi-LED or multi-laser light source is adapted, multi-wavelength imaging of up to four channels is possible simultaneously, supported by the multi-position excitation, the emission and dichroic motorized filter wheels.
Easy Handling
The X-Light V2 can be easily installed and aligned. For example, the detector focal plane will be focused without moving the detector. The excitation Gimbal mount ensures a fast and easy alignment of the optical fiber and guaranties the best signal-to-noise ratio as possible. Additionally, the delivery content includes extraction tools for easy insertion and removal of both dichroic filter and emission filter. As a conclusion, the X-Light V2 spinning disk system is a flexible and user-friendly confocal system to setup your fully automated experiments for your daily research.